Hand Made Theory has lain dormant for over a year owing to my attentions to the Craft Research blog and posts of a non-craft related nature to my other blog. However, I feel the time is right to restart my posts and to focus Hand Made Theory (HMT) on continuing work on trying to make sense of making in the 21st century. Some recent links made to HMT has given the blog quite a bit of new traffic, so I owe it to new visitors to provide relevant new content.

What better way to breathe life into this blog than to draw attention to the excellent Neocraft conference organised by Sandra Alfoldy at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. Held in November, this event attracted a large audience and some excellent speakers. Many of these can be viewed as podcasts from the conference website in the new year. I have posted on this at the Craft Research blog, giving my own view of the conference.

In addition to the conference, Sandra also edited an excellent book which is described thus: "NeoCraft: Modernity and the Crafts unites an international, interdisciplinary range of writers who are actively contextualizing modernity and the crafts. Drawing upon writings in the fields of craft history, art history, philosophy, museum studies, anthropology, fashion theory, history, women’s studies, and design, this book explores in detail the shifting and influential cultural position of the crafts."
Further details on the book are available here.

What better way to breathe life into this blog than to draw attention to the excellent Neocraft conference organised by Sandra Alfoldy at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. Held in November, this event attracted a large audience and some excellent speakers. Many of these can be viewed as podcasts from the conference website in the new year. I have posted on this at the Craft Research blog, giving my own view of the conference.

In addition to the conference, Sandra also edited an excellent book which is described thus: "NeoCraft: Modernity and the Crafts unites an international, interdisciplinary range of writers who are actively contextualizing modernity and the crafts. Drawing upon writings in the fields of craft history, art history, philosophy, museum studies, anthropology, fashion theory, history, women’s studies, and design, this book explores in detail the shifting and influential cultural position of the crafts."
Further details on the book are available here.
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